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MY View

I think the biggest thing I brought back from my experience in China is that I learned how to adjust to a new surrounding, being more adventurous with trying new food, gaining perspective on the people of China and their culture, and mostly making good friends. I learned so much about Chinese's history, economy, beautiful scenery and goverment party. Ever since I was young I always wanted to know about my ancestors, and this experience lead me to find out the decent of my last name Kung. Kong or it can written as Kung is a rare Chinese last name known as the last name of Confucius and his descendants. I knew if my dad were still alive, he would have been so proud to be part of the importance of history.

China and their economy is that they are trying to change little by little by replacing state socialism with a more capitalist system and accomplishing rapid growth, turning China into one of the world’s largest economies, but there still problem, the growing inequality, pollution and rural poverty.

This experience gave me a less shallow understanding of China on their goverment party, culture and their history. I think part of the reason why it is hard for the party to change from socilism to capitalism right away beause China has such old history and multiple dynasties and religion change, itt is didfficult for them to change to capitalism right away.

Thank you for this marvelous fellowship, and gave me the opportunity to see the country and culture of my descentdant.  


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