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Day 3

On our way to the Great Wall, Dausen talked about a brief history of the great Wall and how important it is to the Chinese ancestry. The great Wall was built to defend the attack of the Mongolian. It's not one long wall, but there are many walls built over 2,000 years. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The one we visited was about one hour from Beijing, the Mutianyu Great Wall is 5,400 meters. It was first built in Gi dynasty (550-557) and rebuilt in (1368-1644), to save time we rode on an open ski lift to get to the top of the wall. It's was a hot sunny day and climbing the wall was exhausting because it was pretty steep and I was the last one behind, I'm very out of shape. The view and the surrounding nature was breathtaking. I don't know how they were able to build it back then, how they brought the rocks up and how this wall is still standing after so many years is amazing to me. We tobogganed back down from the Great Wall, it looked very scary to go down alone but once you got on it wasn't bad, because you can control the breaks and it felt really safe.



We got to see the Contemporary Art District, I saw that lots of young people were there. The modern art was quite refreshing from the color technique to the meaning behind it, and the interesting sculptures. One of the paintings in Yang gallery, was very interesting to me, it was of a girl that represents a Chinese girl I assumed, and she was just standing at the door contemplating a beautiful beach view outside. To me it's seemed like she was afraid to step outside the door to express herself. I think this painting reflect Chinese girls and I'm from Cambodia, I could related to that. It was nice to see the older and the newer art in one day.

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